
Japan lies in the East Asia of North Pacific.
Hokkaido is the largest, northern most
island in Japan.
Hakodate in Hokkaido lies at 41-46' North
latitude, 140-44' East longitude.
Hakodate area has a city, 25 towns, and a village.
The southern part area in Hokkaido is
very abundant in hot springs.
Especially Hakodate is the city which
there are many tourists and is visited also in it.
The southern Hokkaido area is the placewhich
was surroundedbythe sea in threedirections
and blessed with fresh delicacies from the sea.
moreover -- the ground of rich nature
-- nutrition -- large agriculturalproducts fruit
A fresh material, outstanding technology.
We send the taste of a Hokkaido no one but to you.